Hate Spammers? Use anti-spam plugins
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Hate Spammers? Use anti-spam plugins
spamming not allowedSpammer always sucks , very often when we write a new post with our great efforts , spammer comes to our sites and leave comments on those posts with a link , or without a link , actually they are promoting their stuff with our posts , some of them are using robots to do so, other use blog commenting soft-wares  like “comments kahuna” and php scripts to comments. In this post a will share some useful anti-spam plugins with you , using which you can be safe and you can allow only good commentators on your blog let them discuss one by one.


The most common plugin use to catch spammers and don’t allow them to comment is the akismet plugin, it is developed by the wordpress team it self to provide and easy solution for their users, it comes with every wordpress script , when ever you install the wordpress on your site it is by default install you only need to activate and configure it , the activation and configuration is easy as eating a piece of cake just follow the steps in plugin and configure it, once you configure it properly it will start catching spammersand will show you spam comments you can trash them as a whole.
akismet wordpress pluginakismet statistics


This plugin use the google reCAPTCHA APIs . it don’t allow spammer and bots to comment on your blog , it show a random letters , which are human readable not machine readable , those are actually images, it is a great tool to block robots on your forms , it can be implemented in comments , signup page and login pages , it is helpful tool to fight easily with spams and bots, it is more secure and can detect spammer IPs. Installation is simple and you can manage it from the setting tabs of your admin panel. To get the secret code you need to signup for reCAPTCHA see the plugin for more detail.
wp-recaptchawp-recaptcha screen shoot


Another open source freely available for WordPress users, mostly use to block bots and spammerscomments , make the blog free from spam comments , having features like Track backs and pings ,can be configure from admin panel , setting to hide the captcha from login users and admin,Setting to show the CAPTCHA on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all , a refresh button to reload captcha , 118n language support and more. si captcha antispam

WP Black Check

This plugin combine various ideas to protect your blog from spam comments , easy and effective solution again comments spam and bots , having features like , block track back and ping backs , spam counter on the dashboard , block known spammers , statistics etc. you can easily install it from the dashboard or download it from the WordPress plugins directory.
wp black check
User Tags :- useful antispam plugins for wordpress , free antispam plugins for wordpress , wordpress antispam plugins , block spammers and bots, keep safe from spammer and bots

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