Tags are important parts of a wordpress blog it not only help your visitors to easily navigate to a proper point but it can also help your search engine, suppose i have a write a new post according to a standard (400+ words) and also add a few tags For example i have wrote a post “Go to Top button for wordpress” and also add a few tags “how to add goto top” , “scroll to top ” or “back to top”. These tags act as a title , so when every a visitor search for ” Go to top , or back to top or scroll to top” will come to the same page!
In this post i m sharing a beautiful tag cloud with you people it looks pretty awesome , when you over your mouse pointer on the widget the flashy text start moving a circular direction that gives a nice look to the visitor and he /she can navigate to his desired point easily, This tag cloud can be found in the wordpress plugins direction by the name “”WP CUMULUS” .