Flying twitter bird for wordpress
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Flying twitter bird for wordpress
flying twitter birdsAs all we know that twitter is one of the most common and important site people use , follow their friends , family and their interest . some of our blogger colleague has add a flying twitter bird to their site , so when a visitor scroll up or down the bird flew to that area nicely i relly like the flying of the bird so i m going to tell you how can you can that flying twitter bird to your wordpress blog/site following the simple steps to add it to your site.
Check the Demo HERE

How To Add the Twitter Flying Bird To WordPress?

1. login to your wordpress website / a flying twitter bird   2. Navigate to >> Appearance >> Plugins >> Add New. 3. In the search box type "AnimatedTwitterBird" and press Enter. 4. Install and activate the plugin. Remember that the author of the plugin is " Sujith Kumar "

Configuration ( Twitter Username and Tweets )

On the left side of your admin area  ,  point your pointer to settings >> AnimatedTwitterBird. setting twitter This will take you to the AnimatedTwitterBird option page where you can specify your twitter username and select an option for your tweets Either to yes or no. By selecting the Yes option when some one over his mouse on the animated twitter bird it will show your the latest tweet in a tip type box. Animated twitter flying bird options Hope you will like it , peace and blessing pals.               User Tags :- Add an animated flying bird twitter bird with follow and tweet this links,Amazing animated twitter flying bird , twitter flying bird for wordpress , how to add flying twitter bird to wordpress , cute flying twitter bird

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