JQuery Popups For WordPress
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JQuery Popups For WordPress
jquery and wordpressYou may have seen JQuery Popups on many blogs either blogger or wordpress, these popups are awesome to show any announcement or promote your facebook page or to get your feed burner subscribers, it help you alot to promote your work. Today i m sharing a useful plugin that can show a JQuery popup on your wordpress blog /website. It show a smooth and Light weighted easy to play with, Insert any Text / HTML , Image or video. The Plugin is Called "Milat JQuery Popup". we also share in our previous post a jquery popup with facebook like box.

Installation of Milat JQuery Popup Plugin

1. Login to wordpress dashboard 2. Go to Plugins >> Add New. 3. In the search box type Milat jQuery Popup and press Enter. 4. Install and Activate the plugin. Now to show any popup on your blog just Navigate to Milat JQuery Popup , under setting option. Specify your required settings , like Enter any text or HTML you want to show in the popup. Also Configure the general setting like either to show the popup on homepage or not , Active to all pages , Cookie storage time , Popup Width and Height , background and border color of the popup etc.
jquery popup setting page

jquery popup setting page

After having your setting done click on save to check the popup click on Live Preview button. For More Demonstration watch the video. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ogC1F4P7MA] In the screenshot below you can see a facebook like box is insert in the popup.
facebook likebox JQuery with close button

facebook likebox JQuery with close button

User Tags :- JQuery Popups for word press , JQuery popups, jquery popup with close button , insert any thing in your jquery popup box , Facebook like box JQuery popup with close button

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