Adding a weather widget to your wordpress very easy like eating a piece of cake HereĀ we are adding a plugin which uses Google weather API to display weather in your blog. This useful and informative if you have weather widget in your blog it will give your visitors to have a look of the weather reports for the present day and 3 day's more after it, what this widget can do for you?
show today's weather
show weather forecast for the next 3 days
specifiy theĀ output language
choose between Fahrenheit or Celsius.
supports shortcodes for single pages or posts
comes with predefined CSS style.
Installing the plugin
1. Login to your wordpress admin area
2. Navigate to Appearance >> Plugins >> add new
3. In the search box type "WP Google Weather" and Hit Enter.
4. Install and activate the plugin remember the author "Hendrik Will".
Alternately you can also download the plugin from the wordpress plugin directory.