How to add Head code in WordPress
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How to add Head code in WordPress
What is the purpose of head code ?? Many scripting languages do different work with the head code , as in head code you may use javascript code or css (cascading stylish sheet) or any other scripting language to perform some task.
how to add head tag to wordpressLot of people ask question like how to add head code in wordpress , where do i add a javascript , how can i add code to head section of wordpress etc. So i plan why not to write a tutorial about how to add head code in wordpress. let 1st we disscuss a little about head code !

Head Code and its Purpose!

A head include information of the page i-e meta tags. Example of a Head code is below
<head> My Head code goes  here  </head>
What is the purpose of head code ?? Many scripting languages do different work with the head code , as in head code you may use javascript code or css (cascading stylish sheet) or any other scripting language to perform some task. suppose i want to give a title to my web page and i m not using any software i m just doing it with the help of html for this purpose i need to enter the title tag with having may page title with the head tag or head section.
Example code <head> <title> MY PAGE TITLE GOES HERE </title> </head>
Now coming to our own topic how to add head code to wordpress. Adding the something to the means editing the header.php file in your theme / template which is time-consuming and especially complex if you only want to add it to certain pages or posts. To solve this problem there are several plugins that gives you options to add your code to the head section here we are disscussing The  "Header and Footer" plugin. remember that it is the name of one plugin. How to install it is very simple follow these steps

Installing and Activating the plugin!

1. Login to your wordpress site / blog dashboard. 2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New 3. In the search box type "Header and Footer" and press Enter. 4. To Install the plugin click on Install Now button. Remember that the author of the plugin is satollo , so make sure you have install the right plugin. 5. Activate The Plugin.

Adding Head Code

Once you have install and activate the plugin Navigate to "Header and Footer" Option approximately appear below Settings tab. The plugin comes with different options like Page Head and Footer , Post Content , Page content , snippets Notes and park code etc. We just want to add code to our wordpress site so we just have to concern with the Page Head and Footer. As by default the page Head and Footer tab is active you will see the 3 data fields. 1. Code to be added on HEAD section of the home 2. Code to be added on HEAD section of every page 3. Code to be added before the end of the page if you want to add head code to only home page the add it to the 1st data field if you want the code to be visible in every page add it to the 2nd data field. click save and you have successfully added the code to the section of wordpress.   User Tags :- how to add head code in wordpress , where do i add a javascript , how can i add code to head section of wordpress , wordpress tutorials, wp tuts, how to add meta tags to wordpress, header footer plugin,

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