Max Marks: 300 Time allowed: From sunrise to sunset
A: Instructions:
1 Attempt all questions
2 Intelligent and poor students out of hall.
3 Only one Guide of concerned subject is allowed.
4 Attach a new note of Rs 1000/- or $ 1000/- with answer sheet.
B: Questions
- Write a letter to your father in law to marry his daughter to you as soon as possible.
- Explain uses of cheating in exams.
- Write a note on any five girl colleges which you visit daily.
- Write an easy on any one of the following
- Love principles
- Girls schools
- Uses of bus stop
- Cinema house
- Write a summary of the movie you watch last night.
- Use the following words in your own sentences.
- Engagement
- Mother in law
- Sister in law
- Wife
- Chatting
- Write an application to your wife that you are in need of Rs 5000 only.
- Write a song , you like the most.
its very nice and funny
I like it very much
Ravi Mehta
Happy New Year!